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Where God is calling us to go as a church will be difficult, exhilarating and nothing short of an adventure that we’ll be talking about for generations to come. God really knows what He’s doing and that’s why we’re committed to simply listen and obey and leave the consequences up to Him. We believe this is what God will do because this is what He has always done. TURN your heart and mind toward Jesus and learn to LOVE like Jesus does.



Our kids and students aren’t the leaders of the church of tomorrow. They’re the church now, today!  ACC Kids is available for newborns-5th grade during all weekend services, designed to spark curiosity with fun activities, worship and biblical teaching. The youth room is a learning environment best suited for students in 6th grade on up. Students also have their own gatherings with ACC Students on Sunday mornings and evenings at the ACC. They will encounter leaders who love Jesus and want to support your student’s next right step.

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